miércoles, 2 de marzo de 2011

Noções Básicas do Uso dos Computadores

Atualmente, estamos vivendo em pleno século XXI, e preciso estar contar com as ferramentas tecnológicas atuais, agora passo a descrever algumas ferramentas dela internet que lês ajudara a conseguir informação recente:

http://scholar.google.com (textos acadêmicos)
http://www.scirus.com (informações científicas)

• http://www.cartacapital.com.br
• http://www.estadao.com.br
• http://www.folha.com.br
• http://news.bbc.co.uk

Mensaje Electrónica - Email
• http://www.gmail.com

Mapas - Localização - Rota
• http://maps.google.com.br


Redes sócias

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011


One of my favorite game as a child was “trompo” or “whipping top”, which consists of throwing the “trompo” and having it spin on the floor. Because of its shape, a trompo spins on its axis and swirls around its conic tip which is usually made of iron or steel. A trompo uses a string wrapped around it to get the necessary spin. The player must roll the cord around the trompo from the metallic tip up.

Another game was “Mata chola.” To make “chola”, you have to get a pair of used socks, combine the two so that one is inside another, then fill the socks with sand stockings wrapped in cotton wool in order to obtain a small ball of cotton-coated sand, this special ball is called chola, that is tied to a post with a long string, this game is played with two or more players, two players are placed facing each other, one of them hits the ball and that makes it wind up on the pole, the other player hits the “chola” counterclockwise, at last the game finishes when a player get to wrap the chola around the pole based on hits. “Mata chola” literally is “kill the chola” (a woman from a poor village).

The other kind of games is individual games, when I was a child I used to collect “chapas” (bottle caps, small circular pieces of metal), then I started to count. I used to separate them in group of fives, tens, twenties, etc (I think at that time I developed my ability to count). When I had already collected many bottle caps, I hit each bottle cap with a hammer in order to obtain a small circular plane piece of metal. After that I picked up a hammer and a nail to perforate two holes in the middle of the bottle cap, then with a long string I passed through two holes, then I spun the cap a lot. I pulled hard to obtain bottle cap spins with a high velocity. I picked up a piece of paper to divide it, into two small parts, it was wonderful for me as a child.

Other times I used to collect milk cans. I built a small pyramid of cans with a ball. I tried to bring down the pyramid of cans. The game ended when each can was laid out, in other case you had to build again the pyramids and the game would start again.
In the neighborhood where I used to live there were many children of the same age and I used to play late in the street.

Omar Latorre

Holas, quiero comentarles que soy cusqueño, por el momento ando soltero, estoy estudiando maestria en ciencia de la computacion em Brazil, Sao Paolo, Santo Andre; agradezco a Dios por las muchas bendiciones que derrama en mi vida, por ahora en mis momentos libres estoy practicando Ingles y portugues.

Olá pessoal, desejo dizer-lhes que eu nasci em Cuzco cidade perdida dos Inkas, no momento eu estou solteiro, estou estudando mestrado em ciência da computação no Brasil, São Paulo, Santo André, agradeço a Deus pelas muitas bênçãos que derrama em minha vida, agora eu estou praticando no meu tempo livre Inglês e Português.

Hi Everyone, I tell you that I am from Cuzco, Peru; at the moment I'm single, I am studying master's degree in computer science em Brazil, Sao Paulo, Santo Andre, thank to God for the many blessings that poured into my life, now in my spare time I´m practicing English and Portuguese.